Sweat ‘er Done
Why on earth am I suggesting that you buy sweaters when L.A. had a record high of 81 degrees yesterday? Because you don’t all live in L.A. Also because this is the best possible time to buy women’s sweaters, as…

CashMEre Sweaters
Who doesn’t love cashmere? cashMEre See? Me in cashmere. Right there. I’m always keen for simple crews and v-necks in cashmere, even if they do remind me of the cereulean blue sweater scene from The Devil Wears Prada. It’s worth…

Business Casual: A Double-Standard?
The Business Casual dress code…what does it bring to mind for you? Most offices outside of law and finance have adopted this fairly ambiguous set of non-rules for their employees. But the variation on how business casual is implemented both…

Pants for Fall: It Should Be Easier Than This
Let’s say that you wanted to get dressed in the morning. Let’s also say that you had a simple blouse in mind, maybe a color blocked pullover like so: What would you do next? Most people would reach for a…

Fall 2012 Trends: Maroon
I winced a little at the trend reports for 2012 when I started hearing “maroon” over and over again. My 1980s high school days were dominated by maroon. You all remember Etinne Aigner shoes, yes? And maroon tweed skirts. Maroon…

Shopping List: Fall 2012, Outdoorsy Menswear
Today I put together a shopping list of wardrobe basics for fall that are versatile and pretty darn classic, but still manage to pull in a major fall 2012 influence: outdoorsy menswear. What is “outdoorsy menswear”? Think hunting, fishing, and…

Short Sleeve Pullover Tops at ASOS
I might have a problem: I’m starting to favor certain models at ASOS. Oh well…my problem is your solution! Today the brief is short sleeve pullover tops. But not t-shirts. Ever-reliant on t-shirts, as I am, I really need the…

The Perfect Button-Down Blues…and Other Colors
I tend to avoid button-down shirts, even for the most buttoned-down of situations. They read a little more masculine than I usually want to project. But there’s no denying that a few good tailored shirts would stretch my work wardrobe…

A Good Silk Blouse
End-of-season sale time is a great time to grab some quality basics for your wardrobe. Today I’m thinking specifically of silk blouses. A good silk blouse usually lasts me about five years, a very long time in my typical, “wear…

Runway Rework: Lanvin Fall 2012
This is sublime. Not necessarily the eyes and hand and teethy-mouth accessories. But I’m digging the ’40s peplum waist with the pencil skirt and scrunched long gloves. The look makes rapid-fire snappy dialogue spoken in a mid-Atlantic accent that’s just…
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